CoxNext Blog

How Do You Target a Baby Boomer?

Written by CoxNext | Jan 23, 2023 2:30:00 PM

Is your brand’s audience heavily comprised of baby boomers? Do you want to know how to reach more of them with more effective messaging? The key is leveraging what we know about baby boomers' interests and buying habits. With this data in mind, we can refine our tactics for advertising to baby boomers. 

Baby Boomer Characteristics 

  • Aged 59-77 in 2023  
  • Their buying power is $2.6 trillion  
  • There are 71 million baby boomers in the US  
  • 82% use social media  
  • 41 million are still working  
  • About 68% have a smartphone 

Marketing to Target Baby Boomers 

Here are seven factors that will make your marketing to baby boomers more effective.   

  1. Mobile-friendliness is a must

Most baby boomers own smartphones, tablets, and laptops. Although they may have been introduced to such devices later in life, many are now as prone to staring at screens as younger generations. It's no secret that consumers get frustrated when websites aren't mobile-friendly, and baby boomers are no exception. To effectively target them, your website must look good and be easy to navigate on mobile devices. 

  1. Use the right imagery

Audience-appropriate images are a key component of effective marketing creative. Refrain from using stereotypes when selecting imagery for your marketing efforts toward baby boomers. For example, avoid slanting your message towards anything about being "elderly" or living in "the golden years." Most baby boomers get plenty of reminders about their age from daily living; they don't need your business to remind them as well! 


Use images that invoke positive emotions for the baby boomers in your audience. Most in this age group stay active with golfing, pickleball, dancing, and vacationing! Publish photos of smiling, happy people. Imply that there is plenty of satisfaction to be found during retirement.   

  1. Provide helpful information

Baby boomers respond well to upfront information. They want access to transparent, helpful content to help them make good decisions, so avoid clickbait titles. These may drive traffic to your site but won't generate trust in your audience members. Deliver key information in a no-nonsense way. The baby boomers in your consumer base will appreciate your straightforwardness. 

  1. Speak their language

While baby boomers may be tech-savvy, that doesn't mean they're familiar with all the latest slang terms, acronyms, abbreviations, or memes. It's important to be clear in marketing and explain things when necessary. If there's a doubt that they'll understand what you're saying, explain or rephrase. In addition, baby boomers typically don't respond well to hashtags. So consider #GivingHashtagsARest. 

  1. Boomers love Facebook

Baby boomers spend a lot of time on social media, especially on one platform: Facebook. Studies indicate that 91% of boomers have visited Facebook in the last three months, and boomers rank Facebook as not only their favorite social media app but also their most visited app. (YouTube comes in second place.) Moreover, boomers spend an average of 1 hour and 48 minutes daily on Facebook and Instagram. The point is clear: if you want to target baby boomers, you must consider Facebook a primary platform. 

  1. Improve their lifestyle

When marketing to baby boomers, you must show them how your brand will improve their life. Will your product make things easier for them? Does your service fill a practical need? Most boomers have some disposable income and are willing to make luxury purchases. However, they are inclined to spend their money wisely. They will be more likely to buy from your company once they understand how your product or service will impact their life. 

  1. Accommodate with great customer service

Many baby boomers expect a "human touch" in sales interactions. They came of age at a time when all sales interactions were face-to-face. They also remember when brands could be trusted to "do the right thing" for their customers, and companies prided themselves on their exceptional customer service. 


If your brand goes above and beyond to provide an excellent customer service experience, boomers will notice and appreciate it. If you gain a reputation for treating your customers right, many of them will gladly pay a premium to do business with your company. 

Effectively Target Baby Boomers with the Help of CoxNext 

If baby boomers make up a core part of your audience, it's imperative that your marketing targets them effectively. Our team of experts at CoxNext can help you to do just that. From web development to advanced data analysis to superior ad creative, we can help you reach the customers your business needs for growth. 


It's no wonder that scores of our previous clients have benefited from the "CoxNext difference." Reach out to us today to begin the conversation. We'd be happy to explore solutions that will meet your marketing needs.