Should You Use Motion Graphics in Your Marketing?

Should You Use Motion Graphics in Your Marketing?

No matter what industry you're in, attracting and keeping consumer attention is challenging. Today, breaking through the noise in the online environment can feel impossible since nearly everyone has their foot in the door.

The key is video, especially animation and motion graphics. More consumers prefer to consume their content through video, so marketing with motion graphics is a brilliant idea for elevating your brand. So, how do you stand out without breaking your budget?

Enter: Motion graphics. This is a less expensive option with uncomplicated opportunities to edit or change your videos. What’s more, finding an agency with motion design services can do it all for you.

According to Social Media Today, motion graphic ads are a more reliable way to connect with your target audience because 65% of people are visual learners, and 90% of the information transferred to our brains is visual. The magazine also reported that posts with motion graphics get 55% more engagement than posts without, and video generates 1200% more social media shares than text and images combined.

Getting started with motion graphics is easier than you think. Here's everything you need to know.

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What Are Motion Graphics?

10In simplest terms, motion graphics are a sweet mix of graphics and animation. The animated element was first incorporated into the opening credits of movies in the 1950s, changing the industry for decades to come. However, the term 'motion graphics' wasn't actually coined until John Whitney founded Motion Graphics, Inc. in the 1960s to create title sequences for TV shows and movies.

Today, motion graphics have moved well beyond motion pictures and into social media, ads, and more. You can find them in video posts, GIFs, and even presentations. Brands are interested in motion graphics because it's an ideal tactic for delivering messages to consumers that emphasize an important point while illustrating it through animation.

Motion graphics advertising has many beneficial components:

  • Animation, text, sound
  • There are both 2D and 3D motion graphics
  • Can use sound effects, voiceover
  • Virtual reality

How Can Motion Graphics Help Your Brand?

Content is important, and a good mix of content is vital. People like to consume content in various ways — like text, video, infographics, images, etc. The brands that deliver see the most desirable results. This is particularly true for video marketing since more than 82% of internet traffic will be video by 2022, and motion graphics are leading the way.

Why People Love and Engage with Video

5Research shows that video is a major player for brands who want to reach and connect with their audience. According to Oberlo, 54% of consumers want to see more video content from a brand or business they support. Videos were prioritized among social media users as their favorite form of content on platforms (with 73% being influenced when making a purchasing decision).

There are different types of motion graphics. Here’s how marketers can use motion graphics (and tips for length!):

  • Social Media: Square, vertical ratios; 10 - 15 second short-form videos.
  • Explainer Videos: 60 to 90 seconds, followed by a clear and actionable call-to-action (CTA).
  • Promo Videos: Keep them short and tell a visual story. 30 to 60 seconds are sufficient.
  • Ads: motion graphic ads can be 30 seconds to 3 minutes. However, it only takes about 10 seconds to get a message across sufficiently on social media.

How Motion Graphics Can Bring Information to Life

39One of the most intriguing elements of motion graphics is its ability to bring complex and often dull topics to life in an easily understood and entertaining way. Brands benefit from the opportunity to tell their stories, educate about their products, and attract more interest in their offers by creating quick and easy videos consumers can resonate with.

What's more, it brings your information to life with the following benefits for your brand:

  • Motion design videos don't require a production crew or actors
  • Only one person is needed to produce
  • It’s a time saver
  • They are cost-effective
  • The creative possibilities are endless
  • Higher ROI because of the cost-effectiveness and the engagement you'll receive
  • Has substantial potential in digital marketing

More Benefits of Motion Graphics

If you're still not entirely convinced about the benefits of motion graphics, consider these additional perks:

  • You'll easily captivate your viewers
  • Influence viewers’ emotions
  • Humans empathize and resonate with what we see
  • Communicate information and stories with ease
  • Music or voiceovers can set the tone
  • Visual communication is easy to interpret
  • Break down complex processes or info quickly and easily
  • Motion graphics can be repurposed
  • In many cases, motion graphics can be evergreen, relevant for years
  • Ability to use animation to create imagery that doesn't exist or isn't readily available
  • Motion graphics are short (30 seconds to 3 mins)
  • Keeps attention
  • In one video, it's possible to breakdown an otherwise complex topic

Work With CoxNext on Your Next Motion Graphic Creation

Marketing interest in video continues to grow, reaching 86% of businesses today, with many more planning to get started in the coming years. Even better, 93% of marketers confirm the importance of video in their marketing strategy, according to HubSpot.

Motion graphics, in particular, allow you to benefit from consumer preferences for video content without the added costs of producers, actresses, and more. It's a job that can be done by one person, and often quickly and efficiently.

Of course, quality matters, so not just anyone can do it. Working with a media partner with motion graphics services can be a game-changer. Motion Graphic Designers at CoxNext will work with you to create engaging videos without the high costs of a film crew.

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July 13th, 2022 | Tags: Marketing Strategy |